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My answer to, “What’s the most important thing that you have learned about life?”

October 26, 2014


My answer to the question, “What’s the most important thing that I you have learned about life?”is, “Life has never been what I expected it to be, and once I learned how to ‘let go’, life has continued to turn out better than expected!”

And if you are anything like me, “letting go” is not as easy as you may want it to be. “Letting go” takes a lot of commitment and requires time and effort to cultivate a lifestyle that includes self observation, conscious choosing and a willingness to keep your energy moving and circulating… from the inside out.

Think about it….

Have you ever had someone say, “Oh, just let go”, when you were struggling inside?  And you thought to yourself, “Great idea, but how do I do that!???”

Well, I sure did! And to my dismay, people told me that a lot. I could hear what they were saying… and I definitely had my rational mind on board.  And my body wasn’t coming along… I still felt uptight and couldn’t relax without walking, running, hiking for miles, crying for hours or drinking alcohol.  And I was constantly wondering, “What’s wrong with me?”

One day I made the decision to take the leap. I started reading every self-help books , learned how to meditate, changed beliefs, moved my energy and engaged in many popular modalities of healing.

And even with all of that, I still wasn’t getting “to the core of it”.  I found myself thinking that “uptight” was simply “how I am”and there was nothing I could do about it.

If you relate to this in any way, I promise you that there absolutely is something you can do about it… more than just the “hope” that you can change it!

“Letting go” is a natural ability that you have.  Your being knows exactly how to open up to  the wonderful life that’s yours to have.  “Freedom at the Core” is based on everything I’ve  learned about on how to allow this to happen for you.  I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned over the past 40 years of exploring, discovering and sharing within myself and hundreds of other people from all over the world.

If you are interested in hearing more, enter your name and email address on the right side of this page and I will send you an introduction to Freedom at the Core.  I also invite you to experience a FREE 30 minute consultation with me where  you can ask me any questions you have…and possibly explore working with me one-to-one or taking my online course.

CLICK HERE to book your free appointment.

I look forward to connecting with you.

To having the most wonderful life possible,



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“If only THAT person were out of my life, I would be happy”.

October 22, 2014


Have you ever had someone in your life that makes you think, “If only, THAT person were out of my life, I’d be happy”?

Most people have at least one person like that in their lives.

It seems to be part of what we experience here on earth, and offers an amazing opportunity for you to learn more about yourself like:

  • Appropriate relationship with the people in your life.
  • Awareness of how you select, distort and provoke certain experiences in your life.
  • Observing the kinds of choices that you are making.
  • The paradigm you are operating out of.
  • How you stimulate reactivity in your body.
  • Bing disgusted to get a “disgust fix”.
  • And more…

THE GOOD NEWS IS:  Having “THAT person” in your life offers you the opportunity to develop the inspiration, motivation and passion for getting free! And opportunity to commit and discover what it truly means to experience freedom from your inside out…YAY!

Back in the ’80’s, I read book that changed my life called ,”When Society Becomes an Addict”, by Ann Wilson Schaef.  Ann opened my eyes to the awareness of how most cultures, not only have chemical and alcohol addictions, that many of the addictions are what are often called “process addictions”.  Process addictions are experiences that trigger secretion of chemicals in your body and often becomes a habit to “use” as a “fix”.

For example:

I just worked with someone who seems to always have some dramatic scenario going on with one person or another.

In spending time with her and listening to how her experiences , she very accurately described what I just called a process addiction.

She said that, “When I’m in one of my dramatic scenarios my heart starts to beat faster and I feel adrenaline racing thru my body. I feel ‘high’ with emotion and am quickly distracted from everything else that is happening around me”.

And that’s exactly what addiction is!

Addiction is anything you “use and abuse” to distract, avoid and/or try to control about the reality of what happening in your life. And, if you are  like most people, you totally understand what I mean.

The wonderful thing is that, the nature of your being embodies a resolution for every challenge that you face in your life. You are designed to ask questions that ignites the universe to send a flood of answers on how to be the resolution for the changes that you want in your life.

More on related topics at

I also invite you to to make an appointment for a FREE 15 minute consultation with me to ask any questions that you may have.

CLICK HERE to book your free consultation.

To freedom at your core,





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Great Video on Releasing Emotional Reactivity

June 28, 2014


Thank you Dr. Joe Dispenza!  What a wonderful way to show how that we can truly create the freedom that we want…

To trusting yourself and never giving up!




CLICK HERE for a 15 minute FREE consultation with me to ask any questions that you may have.

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Responsibility has taken a bad rap

June 3, 2014


Freedom at the Core is an experience that you can have…

when you are willing to:

  • Take 100% responsibility for your life.
  • Take 100% responsibility for the effect and consequences of the choices that you make.
  • Knowing that you are not a victim of life.
  • Doing what it takes to keep your body energy in movement and in a state of release.
Each of the choices above can determine the direction of your life,  and changing that direction can happen in a matter of moments.

And if you are anything like many people, taking 100% responsibility for your life might seem like :

  • A laborious task
  • Something that will give you less freedom rather than more freedom.
  • Something that makes you sick and tired
  • Something that makes you stop having the fun you were having when you were a kid.
  • Always having to be open to blame and shame, because you know you are not a victim of life, and have to take responsibility for all your experiences.

The idea of taking 100% responsibility for your life may seem unreasonable right now. And that’s okay. Many questions come to mind when people start  thinking about the possibility of taking 100% responsibility  for their lives. Questions that often come up include:

  • “How could there be so much suffering in the world if no-one is a victim?”
  • “How could taking 100% responsibly be the key to freedom with all the things that keep happening to me?”

Having these questions that are coming to your mind is a natural part of the process, and as you make a decision to embrace the idea of taking 100% responsibility for your life, the universe begins to answer your questions in many beautiful and mysterious ways. And suddenly you start to understand what freedom means in a totally different way! Those very same questions were on mind for many many years.. And…..

One day I realized that if I was truly 100% responsible for my life, then I have chance of a new kind of freedom.

And if it was really true that I could never be a victim, then I might be able  to experience the true nature of freedom.

I remember well when the expression “take full responsibility” for my life still seemed daunting …and I worried that it meant that the fun and freedom I was having would go away. I wondered how taking a leap into “taking full responsibility for my life” would change my life? The decided  to give it a try. As soon as I made the decision, an amazing thing started to happen. I suddenly was perceiving freedom in a whole different way. I suddenly started thinking how responsibility has taken a bad rap… I found myself saying, “No wonder “taking full responsibility for you life” has seems heavy and  like something that will ruin your life? Think about it:

  • Our culture often promotes being responsible as sacrificing ourselves to be what the culture calls “successful”
  • Being responsible often means stuffing your emotions inside with no safe place to let them express.
  • We are encouraged to feel responsible “for” others, rather than responsible “to” others.
  • It is often inferred that being responsible leads to endless shame and blame/
  • Taking responsibility is often referred to as something that you “have to” do when you grow up.
  • Taking responsibility means that the playful life you’ve had is gone, and you have to buckle down and do what you are supposed to do.
  • Taking responsibility means letting go of things you are most passionate, inspired, and motivated to do.

No wonder the word responsibility seems so dark and heavy! As we start to push parts of ourselves away and put them in the dark, your energy starts to feel heavy. So, choosing a new way of looking at the nature of responsibility can make a big difference in your life. It is easy to see by looking at the word itself. Responsibility = Response ability….which we can also call the ability to respond. The ability to respond is the ability to have a healthy response to our experiences…to respond to what we  see, hear, taste, feel and know, right? The ability to respond to ourselves is what gives you the freedom to guide your  life. I’m not talking about trying to control and manipulate the details of your life,  I’m talking about the willingness to understand the part you play in in how you shape your life. It’s the difference between surfing your life and enjoying the ride, or  stumbling and crashing and getting sand up your nose, as my friend and mentor, River Jameson used to say. It suddenly all made sense to me!

Freedom at the Core is the experience we have when we respond to ourselves in healthy ways…and make choices that have the effect that we want.

Freedom at the core is not another “doing”…it’s an “undoing” of what isn’t working. More to come.

If you have any questions, make an appointment for a free consultation with me at:

To the power of taking 100% responsibility for your life,


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Since your life is made up what you think, feel and experience each day…

March 28, 2014


Since your life is made up what you think about all day, here are some powerful questions that can  change your life: What is the nature of experiencing myself as catalyst for love and peace in the world?

(1) What is the nature of experiencing the most beneficial thoughts possible?

(3) What is the nature of experiencing the most loving, nurturing and empowered observer and guide of my thoughts?

Notice how the questions are structured.

They are structured for you to have the “experience”, not  to know “how to” have the experience,  Ultimately it’s the experience that you want, right? And learn the “how to” along the way, right?

Remember:  Asking powerful questions ignites powerful answers that appear in many different and mysterious ways.  Be sure to be watching and listening for them.

An example might be:

Did you ever wake up excited to start your day, and suddenly remembered some bills you need to pay? And suddenly your focus has just changed from being excited about your day to paying the bills?. And now you hear yourself say, “Oh, I better get it over with”, and maybe find yourself grumbling about having to spend the money?

Well, I have.

And one day I said to myself, “Crystal, what are you thinking? This is your life!” So I took a few deep breaths and did some “shaking” from the inside out, and soon I was whistling a different tune! Ahhhhhhhh, now I was thinking, “Thank you God for the freedom I have, and thank you for the opportunity to give back to the people who have provided me these services.” Whew…I back to thinking, feeling and experiencing my excitement for the day again!

Think about it….

What would happen if 10 people gave gratitude for the services they received as they paid their bills?   What if 100 people did it?  What if 1,000 people did it?  What if everyone did it?

Having a wonder-filled and empowered day,




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Ever Felt Overwhelmed With Shame?

March 10, 2014


If you’ve ever been told that you were just “too emotional” you may be feeling frustrated and and wondering,”What’s wrong with me?”

I totally understand… I’ve been there.

One thing that I know for sure, the experience of  what I call “emotional sobriety” is definitely available to you. And emotional sobriety is one of the keys to experiencing the freedom that you want.

Since you landed on this page, I’m imaging that you are one of the many people who arrive on this earth with their emotional bodies fully intact.

Unfortunately, the culture you were born into probably discourages the expressing of emotions.

Which leaves you with a full blown emotional body and not sure how to integrate your feelings into your daily life.

There has definitely been more awareness brought to this phenomena, and most often there are still few culturally accepted place to express and move your emotional energy in a healthy way.

Some cultures, however, have community dances, rituals, and events where emotional energy is encouraged to be expressed in a safe and celebrated way.

Most emotional kids spend most of their days sitting in classes and where they are ridiculed for crying, being angry or afraid. In that environment, the easiest thing to do is try to repress themselves…which is almost impossible!  So what ends up happening is their emotions leak out in what often appears strange and weird behaviors.

I say this because I understand it from my own personal experience.  How to stay emotionally sober and still express my emotions has been my biggest challenge in life.

And after sending out lots of prayers and asking questions, I was blessed with friends, allies and mentors that understood what I was going through and knew how to support me.(I’ll be explaining more about how I came to resolution with at another time).

The intent of this post is to share a video that I stumbled upon  as an example of someone who struggled with his emotions on national TV and ended up getting the help he needed…YAY!

Shaheen Jafargholi

The power the power of emotional sobriety,


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Perturbation is a Key to Your Success!

February 25, 2014


You might be wondering, “What heck does perturbation mean?!!” So, just in case, here’s a definition just to start the conversation on the right foot (or the left foot whichever you like).



1. an unhappy and worried mental state
2. (physics) a secondary influence on a system that causes it to deviate slightly
3. activity that is an intrusion or interruption
4. a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset
5. the act of causing disorder

Perturbation is a physical and emotional state, which some people might describe as chaos, breakdown, falling apart, out of control or just plain “loosing it”.

Perturbation is an experience that happens when it’s time for a change and the universe is supporting you by interrupting your “how it is”.

Perturbation can be worrisome and scary if you are not aware of what is happening to you…feeling out of control and wondering “what’s happening to me?”.  And it’s interesting how when one breakdown happens like your car not starting and then you go home and discover that the clothes dryer just stopped working…and on and on!

THE GOOD NEWS IS:  You find yourself uncomfortable and thinking you are “loosing it”….and you are!  You are loosing  anything that you have been trying to control and keep together and making space for something new that works even better for you!

Like a remodeling a house.

You have to take down the old stuff before you put up the new stuff, right?

It’s all okay, stay present with it and you can enjoy the ride…remembering that your reality is break downing (dis-shutterstock_146971178-2assembling, falling apart, loosing it) to allow the breakthrough (assembling) for a new and expanded you!

A great example of how this process works in nature is:  (Scientific American  By Ferris Jabr)

“But what does that radical transformation entail? How does a caterpillar rearrange itself into a butterfly? What happens inside a chrysalis or cocoon?

First, the caterpillar digests itself, releasing enzymes to dissolve all of its tissues. If you were to cut open a cocoon or chrysalis at just the right time, caterpillar soup would ooze out. But the contents of the pupa are not entirely an amorphous mess. Certain highly organized groups of cells known as imaginal discs survive the digestive process. Before hatching, when a caterpillar is still developing inside its egg, it grows an imaginal disc for each of the adult body parts it will need as a mature butterfly or moth—discs for its eyes, for its wings, its legs and so on. In some species, these imaginal discs remain dormant throughout the caterpillar’s life; in other species, the discs begin to take the shape of adult body parts even before the caterpillar forms a chrysalis or cocoon. Some caterpillars walk around with tiny rudimentary wings tucked inside their bodies, though you would never know it by looking at them.

Once a caterpillar has disintegrated all of its tissues except for the imaginal discs, those discs use the protein-rich soup all around them to fuel the rapid cell division required to form the wings, antennae, legs, eyes, genitals and all the other features of an adult butterfly or moth. The imaginal disc for a fruit fly’s wing, for example, might begin with only 50 cells and increase to more than 50,000 cells by the end of metamorphosis. Depending on the species, certain caterpillar muscles and sections of the nervous system are largely preserved in the adult butterfly. One study even suggests that moths remember what they learned in later stages of their lives as caterpillars.

Getting a look at this metamorphosis as it happens is difficult; disturbing a caterpillar inside its cocoon or chrysalis risks botching the transformation.”

If a caterpillar can do all that, certainly we can let go of control and trust the process of how humans do their evolution too.  And just like in Star Trek, interfering with one’s evolution by “trying” to control it will never work. Each person and each culture must experience their own perturbations and ride the waves of their own metamorphosis and evolution.

Freedom takes the willingness to allowing you version of your “imaginal discs” to “do their thing” while you let go and trust the process.

Your awareness of the nature of perturbation will allow you a greater overview of what’s happening to you so you can let go of trying to control it and do your best to enjoy the ride knowing that the new and expanded experiences are on the other side…thanks to  the goodness of the universe (i.e. thank goodness)!

To embracing your perturbation,




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Spiritual Bypass

January 20, 2014


In these times of massive change and spiritual highs on Earth, it is important to stay alert to the potential to engage in a phenomena often called a “spiritual bypass”.

December 21, 2012 was marked by many religions, prophets and sages as the completion of a 5,000 year cycle, a cycle which took us to a turning point on Planet Earth. A point where lives are in a hanging in balance, teetering between breakdown and breakthrough.earthRise-black

Some believed it was a threshold point for a leap in human consciousness and others declared it as a “doomsday”, the end of the world.

In all of this, some consider themselves instruments in the process. Whether spiritual, religious or cultural creatives of any kind we can think of them as “imaginal cells” of our world. People filled with passion to hold the vision and actively participate in the breakdown-breakthrough process during this major shift in in human consciousness. People who are infused with the passion to write and talk about the changes happening. People who conspire and intend to bring inspiration, purpose and motivation to the world.

They know who they are.

And while some silently do their job, others become famous inspirational spiritual speakers. They want to express their purpose and be part of the resolution for what isn’t working on the planet, bringing forth the most peaceful, loving, compassionate and awe inspiring time in history.

And as I said earlier, in this time of massive change and spiritual highs, it is important to stay alert to the potential to engage in a “spiritual bypass”.

I say this with the knowing we all love to experience the joy, bliss and awe available. We want to experience the wonderful states of consciousness available.

And, at the same time, we can support each other in staying grounded, to support each other in staying in the truth of things:

  • Supporting each other in opening to the vast and multidimensional reality being unveiled, while also staying grounded in the physical, emotional and rational aspects of our planet.
  • Noticing how we are conducting our lives in these uncertain and pivotal times.
  • Evoking the changes we want in the world through deeper inner awareness of ourselves, not loosing ourselves in spiritual high while bypassing the internal work required of each of us.
  • Helping each other remember that spiritual bypass always leads to some kind of crisis, forcing you to get present and grounded.

At times I get excited and find myself spinning into a space where I want to “hold onto” the wonderful joy, bliss and awe I’m experiencing.  And then, “puff” the wonderful experience is gone!  What just happened? Where did I go?  I slipped into what I call my “fantasy bond”! (I’ll share more about what I mean by that in another conversation).

Getting “too far out” eventually leads to exposing things you’ve kept hidden, usually because you thought it wasn’t “spiritual”, so hiding behind a self image as  being someone”spiritually important”. And underneath perhaps you know you’ve been…

  • Judging other people, rather simply seeing the truth and being self reflective bringing more compassion and peace into the world.
  • “Using” people to a get a “disgust fix” about, so you can feel better about yourself.
  • Focusing on who you consider not as conscious as you, or not doing it the “right” way.

In other words, spiritual bypass is bypassing what you really need to be staying present with. It’s a hiding  behind spiritual self importance to stay high and delusional about what’s really happening.

Closing the gap in a spiritual bypass takes a commitment to stay grounded and real. Staying in the truth of  challenges and facing what you need to deal with. And it takes a ruthless decision to not abandon yourself.

THE GOOD NEWS IS: When you stay grounded and are not abandoning yourself, you start to understand the world around you won’t abandon you either. They love and trust you!

Choices to resolve spiritual bypassing include:

  • Admit and resolve any resentment you are holding (see “Getting Clear on Resentment”)
  • Forgive with the willingness to let it go (see “Getting Clear on Forgiveness”)
  • Let go of using spiritual paraphendalia and spirituality as a self image of “who you are” (see “Getting Clear on Spiritual Self Importance”).
  • Allow outer and inner judgements to be radical self-relections to be embraced and set free. (see “Getting Clear on Judgments”)
  • Stay real and embrace challenges in the moment.(see “Getting Clear on Embracement”)

Become the change. Become the catalyst for the changes that we want to see in the world.

To your success,

Crystal Maya. From that point, the adventure will continue onward, bringing untold challenges and blessings. As we advance to a new level on the spiral of Time, let us comprehend the vastness of our journey ahead. Each day the mystery deepens, bringing new trials and new awarenesses. There is no pre-determined outcome to our collective story.The essential message of the 2012 Prophecy is that the more we each awaken to our personal contribution to this planetary moment, the greater the possibilities emerge for positive change.



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